
"Passion energizes talent..." Part 2

I've written about this in a past article. But also, I was reminded that I haven't written an article for the first month of 2025. :o)


I'm a quote guy. Ever since starting The Art of Lax™, I wrote this quote down on a piece of paper and tacked it on a foam core board that was above my drafting table. When times got difficult, I'd pause and look up at it and read the message, just as a reminder to myself. I still don't know where I read this quote for the first time, but it has always remained part of my everyday ethos.


Recently, I found the written quote again after a studio clean-up, and this time I decided to frame it - wanting to keep it - due to being with me from the very start back in 2009. For those who have never read this quote, or seen it in an old post:


"Passion energizes talent. Find something you like to do so much you'd gladly do it for nothing. If you do learn to do it well, someday people will be happy to pay you for it. Prioritize your life according to your passion with the aim to develop the talent you have, not the one you want. Remember that it's better to live with the pain of risk than the pain of regret."


The framed quote still shows the holes in the corners when it was randomly, and hastily, tacked onto the board. With my bad handwriting, I think I quickly wrote it down, not thinking it would last as something important. I'm glad that it will be preserved for a longer period of time.

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